Prenosni instrumenti
Kimo prenosni instrumenti so namenjeni merjenju različnih veličin v industriji, okolju, laboratorijih. So enostavni za uporabo v izvedbah za osnovne in zahtevnejše uporabnike. Kompatibilni so z izmenljivimi sondami, poleg tega pa ponujajo še wireless komunikacijo, bluetooth in več (odvisno od vrste instrumenta).
Prenosni instrumenti
Kimo HQ 210, s svojo enoto za podnebno stanje, meri ogljikov dioksid (CO2), vlago in temperaturo. Omogoča do 6 meritev hkrati.
Parametri: Temperatura, vlaga, kvaliteta zraka.
Dobavljen v kovčku s certifikatom.
Kimo HD 50 merilnik je velikosti roke in z lahkoto meri relativno vlago in temperaturo.
Območje merjenja: vlažnost: 5 do 95% RH in temperatura: -20 do +70°C
Dobavljiv v torbici s certifikatom.
Kimo HD 110 ročni termični-higrometer (higrometer je merilna naprava za merjenje vlažnosti zraka), ki meri relativno vlago, temperaturo in rosišče.
Območje merjenja: vlaga: 5 do 95 % RH, temperatura: -20 do +70°C, in rosišče: -40 do +70°C td
Dobavljen v kovčku, s certifikatom o kalibraciji in 1 higrometrična sonda Ø 13 mm, lg. 110 mm.
Kimo LX 100 ročni merilec svetlobe meri osvetljenost v Footcandle (fc ali ftc) ali Lux (lx).
Območje merjenja : od 0,0 do 150 000.00 lux lux (od 0,0 do 13940.00 fc).
Dobavljiv v kovčku s peno in certifikatom.
- 1 LX100 housing with silic sensor and glass filter correction
- 1 Transport case with foam protection
Product features:
- 8 x NAMUR / contact inputs
- Counting of incoming pulses
- Measuring the time between the incoming pulses
- RS232 / RS485 communication, MODBUS RTU protocol
- Configuration via USB port
- 24 V AC/DC, 230 V AC/DC power supply
- TS-35 rail mounting, 45 mm width
Type designation:
DEMS5005 RS2 20-50 VDC / 19-35 VAC power supply, RS232 interface
DEMS5005 RS2 PS 90-250 V AC/DC power supply, RS232 interface
DEMS5005 RS4 20-50 VDC / 19-35 VAC power supply, RS485 interface
DEMS5005 RS4 PS 90-250 V AC/DC power supply, RS485 interface
DT2014 features:
- 4 x 22 VDC, 25 mA stabilized outputs
- Outputs are galvanic isolated from each other
- Overcurrent-protection with limiter characteristics
- 190-250 VAC / 90-250 VDC power supply ranges
- TS-35 rail mounting 12.5 mm width only
Product features:
- Transient voltage protection of the 4-20 mA current loop
- 3-stage protection
- 10 kA surge vawe (8 / 20 µs)
- 41 V max. Output noise voltage
- DIN rail mounting and IP 65 enclosure version
Product features:
- More then 50 different measured parameters
- 3 x 0-125 VAC / 0-250 VAC non galvanic isolated voltage input
3 x 0-5 AAC / 0-1 AAC galvanic isolated current input
CAT III category
- Different measuring arrangement
- 2 x 0-20 mA / 4-20 mA galvanic isolated outputs
- RS485 interface, MODBUS RTU/ASCII Slave protocol
- 2 x Pulse outputs / Limit-relay outputs
- Configuration by PC via USB port
- 19-35 VAC / 20-50 VDC or 90-250 V AC/DC power supply
- TS-35 rail mounting, 22.5 mm width
Product features:
- More than 50 different measured parameters:
Ueff, Ieff, f, P, S, Q, PF, φ, +EP, -EP, +EQ, -EQ (each phase)P, S, Q, PF, +EP, -EP, +EQ, -EQ (sum)UL1-L2, UL2-L3, UL1-L3, φL1-L2, φL1-L3 (between phase)P1/4h average value, P1/4h estimated average value, Plast 1/4h average value, t1/4h rest (demand)
- 3 x 0-125 VAC / 0-250 VAC / 0-450 VAC,
3 x 0-5 AAC / 0-1 AAC galvanic isolated inputs
CATIII measurement category
- 2 / 4 x 0-20 mA / 4-20 mA galvanic isolated outputs
- RS232 / RS485 / ETHERNET interface
MODBUS RTU slave / MODBUS TCP, HTTP protocol
- 2 limit-relay outputs
- Synchronous and time zone signal inputs
- Pulse outputs
- Configuration via USB port
- 24 V AC/DC, 230 V AC/DC power supply
- TS-35 rail mounting, 90 mm width
Product features:
- Measuring of 14 different single phase parameters:
Ueff, Ieff, P, Q, S, +Ep, -Ep, +EQ, -EQ, PF, f, ϕ, THD U, THD I
- 0-125 VAC / 0-250 VAC non galvanic isolated voltage input
0-5 AAC / 0-1 AAC galvanic isolated current input
CAT III measurement category
- 2 x 0-20 mA / 4-20 mA galvanic isolated outputs
- MODBUS RTU/ASCII Slave communication
- 2 x Pulse outputs / Limit-relay outputs
- Configuration by PC via USB port
- 19-35 VAC / 20-50 VDC or 90-250 V AC/DC power supply
- TS-35 rail mounting, 22.5 mm width