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(Ex) Napajalniki z Galvansko ločenim izhodom DT2500

Hiter pregled

Product features:

  • Any output voltages between 6-24 VDC range

  • 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 15 / 18 / 24 VDC nominal output

  • Overcurrent-protection

  • Overvoltage-protection

  • 230 VAC power supply

  • TS-35 rail mounting, 35 mm width

  • 11 different types

Opis izdelka

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) accordance with the standard EN 61326:2000:

Immunity: -A- criterion

Noise emission: -A- class

Intrinsical safety data:

  • Certification: BKI 15 ATEX 0023 X
  • Protection marking: II (2)G [Ex ib Gb] IIC/IIB (0 °C < Ta < +50 °C )
Memory usage: real: 43253760, emalloc: 42448152
Code ProfilerTimeCntEmallocRealMem